New Translations & new version update

Submitted by plepe on

Wow, I'm really impressed, OpenStreetBrowser got its 10th translation - Hungarian! It's now available in English, German, French, Japanese, Ukrainian, Italian, Russian, Hungarian, Czech and Spanish (in order by completeness of translation).
My work is currently focusing on the release of the new version (available on, which will launch as main page around time of the SOTM-EU-conference in Vienna, Austria in the middle of July.

Therefore also the translation strings (for all languages including the TEMPLATE) have been updated to the new version (and so the percentages of completeness dropped quite a bit). If you have a little time to help the OpenStreetBrowser-community, then check out the Wikipage for Translations.
As a little bonus there is now a "Measurement Object" plugin which tells you the length resp. the outline and the area of the current object.