*drumroll* The OpenStreetBrowser

Submitted by plepe on

I'm very happy, that I finally can publicly announce the project I was working on the last months. I already told you about the OpenStreetMap, this astonishing project with the goal of creating a free map (as in free speech and in free beer) of the world. The great thing about it ... you can take the data, use your imagination and think of better ways to visualize the data. And I used my imagination and creativity and created the OpenStreetBrowser.

On the webpage you have a "Slippy Map", as you know it from the OpenStreetMap Homepage or commercial services like Google Maps. But on the left side you can investigate the current map view. Get a list of Pubs or the Public Transport routes or a list of street names. When appropriate a thematic overlay is displayed. Just play with it, you will see you can't stop :) If you want to get more information about an object, then just click on it on the map.

Screenshot of OpenStreetBrowser
So. I don't want to go into more detail here. Just give it a try. If you want more information there's a page in the OpenStreetMap-Wiki for the project.Disclaimer: The project is not finished yet, it's still a big construction site. So, please be patient if it gets slow or if you find bugs (please report them here) or something is still missing.

I want to send special thanks to Manuela for talking and encouraging and for sure for the web design. I'm looking forward for further co-operation. And I also want to thank Monika for mental assistance :)