Easter code sprint

Submitted by plepe on

This weekend I had a little code sprint, using the additional time during the holidays. I want to get ready to publish version 2.0 at the SOTM-EU in Vienna in July this year. You can already check it out on dev.openstreetbrowser.org. The first little improvement is the little box showing the newest entries on the blog. As the blog is more prominent now, I think I (we?) will post more often. Feel free to comment on the blog posts! It's always nice to have some feedback.
Other changes from this weekend (in the OSB 2.0 version):

* The 'Marker'-plugin got some love this weekend, there was no indication which marker you hover over, and some more problems. You can also set markers on the currently visible object.
* What's here: The list you get after clicking somewhere on the map should be sorted in a more natural way. Also you get a cross-hair on the point you clicked on.
* Languages: As I merged the 'master'-branch (the version 1.0) the new languages should be available and working. Sure there are some missing strings, so I have to get the Translation-system ready for OSB 2.0.
* Search: The search-system was broken. Fixed it.