Hardware problems
One of my servers crashed due to a broken harddisk, therefore you have to live with a very reduced version of OpenStreetBrowser - there are no categories right now. You may still enjoy the background rendering ;) I'm currently in the process of building a new base for the OpenStreetBrowser: Categories written in MapCSS, using Overpass API as database and pgmapcss for processing. Also for displaying, the new OpenLayers ol3 will be used. The rewrite is already quite advanced, but still I need another month or two until the version can go online. Stay tuned!
New background rendering
Regular users of OpenStreetBrowser might have noticed, that there were subtle changes to the background map. This is due to a rewrite of the style sheet using MapCSS and a completely new rendering backend using pgmapcss 0.9 (a library which I developed during the last year) and Mapnik 3.0.
New data!
New version 2.2.3 - Smartphone/Tablet optimizations
Less than a week has passed, and already there are some exciting updates to OpenStreetBrowser. I invested some time to optimize for small screens (like smartphones) and touchscreens (as there are no 'mouseover' events). I hope it's usable on your phone / tablet / whatever too :) If you find bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please comment on this post, or use the OSM Wiki.
New version 2.2.2
This update brings improved markers, as they have an ID encoding their position; therefore URLs containing markers can be sent to other browser. There was also some bugfixing, notable with the search: Searches containing spaces or special characters were encoding wrongly and didn't work. There were also some translation updates to el, et and ro. Thanks for your contribution!
New version 2.2.1
This new version should make it easier to run an own installation of OpenStreetBrowser, with a lot of bugfixes on the server side. But still, the server daemon needs better error handling. There were also some language updates, notably Czech and Estonian.
Finally a new major version: 2.2
A long time has passed since version 2.1 (9 months) when the last bigger improvements were published. I started a lot of improvements in the last couple of months, finally I had time to consolidate and polish them (oder at least some of them). If everything is working as expected only time will show - you can help me solve them by reporting bugs. Changes include: Keyboard Shortcuts, Grid Overlay, GPS Toolbox, URLs without #, OpenLayers 2.12 and some improvements on the server side.
No updates in OSM data due to licence change (and a new version: 2.1.8)
Long story short: No new OpenStreetMap-data until autumn. Why? Read the long story :) And language updates: A new language - Portugese (Brazil) - and updates to Romanian and Czech.
New version 2.1.7c
This minor version upgrade introduces basic support for two new languages: Serbian (sr) and Romanian (ro). Welcome and thanks to your contribution, I hope you will continue working on them :)