New version 2.1.7

Submitted by plepe on

When I migrated the translation system from the OSM Wiki into OpenStreetBrowser, one thing got lost - the statistics page of the translations. Finally it's back, to be found in the Options (where you can access 'new language' or 'improve language'). Have fun!

New version 2.1.6

Submitted by plepe on

In this new version I replaced the Layer Switcher (under the + on the right side of the map) by a toolbox (one of the icons under the OpenStreetBrowser-logo). I hope it's easier that way. I also have some more ideas for improvements (like tooltip-information about the layers or an option for adding additional layers). If you still want the old layer switcher, you can activate it via the 'Debug Toolbox' (activate it in the Options). There were also some bugfixes and the usual translation updates (esp. French and Greek - thanks to all contributors).

New version 2.1.5a

Submitted by plepe on

I got accepted in the Google Adsense program with the OpenStreetBrowser blog! So, in the next days advertisements will appear in the Blog window. It would be really great to find a way to pay the server costs, so I'd appreciate if you disable your Adblocker for OpenStreetBrowser :-) I hope you don't mind, but I think I provide a great service for the community for free.

New version 2.1.5

Submitted by plepe on

This version again mostly fixes bugs. Noteworthy changes include some new "tips of the day", which can be translated via the normal Translation system (accessible from the Options). Talking about Translations, there were quite some updates to the French and Greek translations. In the "main links" (at the bottom of the left column) there's a new link "Help" to Instructions which were written by user Rostranimin in the OSM Wiki during the last month. Thanks to all contributors for your constant work! And Merry Christmas to all that celebrate this holiday :)

New version 2.1.4a

Submitted by plepe on

Currently I don't have much time for OpenStreetBrowser. But I got aware that the 'Icon Chooser' (in the Category Editor click on the 'Choose' button for an icon) is not working. Fixed. And: Be patient when loading the list of icons, it's quite slow.

No more ads!

Submitted by plepe on

I got tired of those advertisements in the right bar, because they didn't pay off at all. At least with the service I was using. And as I don't really like advertisements anyway, I don't like to search for another provider. Anyway, I thought it might be much better to integrate the flattr and donation-buttons there, as well as a Twitterwall, to connect the community (Use the hast-tag #osb_cc for twittering). What do you think of that?

New version 2.1.4

Submitted by plepe on

I got aware of two serious bugs (thanks to the users Rostranimin and Mar4s), which were fixed in this release:
* In the 'Map View Toolbox' you couldn't remember your decision, this would result in an unusable OpenStreetBrowser on next load.
* Many objects (like road-routes or boundaries) resulted in error messages of OpenStreetBrowser -> There was a problem when I imported the database, some objects were inserted to the wrong tables. Fixed by now.
There were some more changes, including:

New version 2.1.3

Submitted by plepe on

This new version includes mostly bugfixes and updates to translations. Some notable changes:
* The "autozoom" behaviour has been improved (when you activate an object, it no longer zooms out to zoom level 15) - at least if the new object is fully inside the new view port.

New version 2.1.2

Submitted by plepe on

This new version adds support for two new languages, Polish and Catalan. There were also many, many updates to the Greek and Italian translation. Thanks to all contributors for your constant activity! There are also some minor bugfixes again. If you find bugs or have ideas for improvements, please post them here: Github Issues or OSM Wiki.