New version 2.0.7

Submitted by plepe on

There's a new version with some small bug fixes and the usual language update. The French translation got improved a lot. Notable change: The Blog window only opens if there's something new (if it doesn't work press 'reload').

New version 2.0.6

Submitted by plepe on

The new version fixes some severe bugs:
* Categories: Creating a new category always overwrote the last created new category, therefore it was more or less impossible to create categories. Now this has been fixed. You can also define the id with the tag 'id'. If the id is not available you don't get a message right now, but the alternate id is set as tag and a tag with an error message.

New version 2.0.5

Submitted by plepe on

Actually it's a small update, but it includes some important changes:
* Include support for Asian fonts on the Basemap and the Category Overlays
* Improvements to the rendering of Barriers (they were much to prominent)
(Note: old tiles will still show the old rendering for sure)

For sure there were also updates from the Translations, kudos to Dutch which reached 96% translated strings, though being the youngest translation!

New version 2.0.4

Submitted by derstefan on

The new little update contains especially two improvements: The map key finally got repaired. And as usual updates to the localization were made, including Dutch as a new language!

Downtime August 5th to 6th

Submitted by plepe on

Sorry guys, but there was a power outage on August 5th at my university and the servers didn't cleanly boot. As I was busy moving to a new place I was not able to care of this situation before August 6th around noon. Now everything should be back to normal. I hope you enjoy :)

OpenStreetBrowser 2.0 released!

Submitted by plepe on

Finally, after 1 1/2 years of work, OpenStreetBrowser 2.0 is ready for use. Thanks to DerStefan who not only contributed some code but also helped by discussing stuff and motivation. Also a big 'Thank you!' to all Translators - OpenStreetBrowser is now available in ten languages (though support for some languages is still limited). There are some features in the queue for release, which didn't make into the current version, hopefully they will make it into version 2.1.

New Translations & new version update

Submitted by plepe on

Wow, I'm really impressed, OpenStreetBrowser got its 10th translation - Hungarian! It's now available in English, German, French, Japanese, Ukrainian, Italian, Russian, Hungarian, Czech and Spanish (in order by completeness of translation).
My work is currently focusing on the release of the new version (available on, which will launch as main page around time of the SOTM-EU-conference in Vienna, Austria in the middle of July.